קודשא בריך הוא ואורייתא וישראל כולא חד
- נפש החיים שער ד' פרק י"א

Hashem, the Torah and Yisroel are all ONE
- Nefesh Hachaim Portal 4:11

Introduction by the Founder of ‘Torah 24 תורה

To: Supporters and Friends of “Torah 24 תורה,

For the first time in over 200 years, b’ezras Hashem, we have established a new mokom Torah – a place through which a Jew can be actively connected with the Ribbono Shel Olam and His Torah 24 תורה hours a day, every day – “Torah 24 תורה. It has 10 kollelim with nonstop learning 24-hours-a-day, in shifts – all under ONE ROOF! It is in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, and from it one can see the mokom hamikdash

Yes – Avreichim and Supporters,
Be Connected with Hashem & Torah non-stop - 6:00 am – 6:00 am!

An Awesome Thought

     Let me share a thought on the origin and implication of the creation, with the help of Hashem, of “Torah 24 תורה so close to the Geulah – on Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5781 in Yerushalayim.       Imagine the Geulah taking place. You are present among millions of Jews rejoicing in Yerushalayim rebuilt. Families reunite through tchiyas hameisim, and Jews scattered from all the corners of the earth come together. All are excited, all feel restored and elevated, and rush to behold the face of our righteous Moshiach ben David. And among all present, Moshiach personally welcomes Maran Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”גthe Nasi of “Torah 24 תורה, Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, together with you and other “Torah 24 תורה Zevuluns (supporters).      And why us especially? Because the Moshiach will declare that through “Torah 24 תורה and its non-stop learning of Torah, we encouraged the love of the Shechina. Derech of the Kedoshei Elyon      This follows the derech of the Kedoshei Elyon – the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh, the Ramcha”l  and the Nefesh Hachaim of Volozhin, zy”o. Each of them established a Heichal Ha’ahava (Sanctuary of the Love of Hashem) with a full 24-hours learning of Toras Hashem. And now, through “Torah 24 תורה, that same model, your chaylek (portion) can be with them.”       Please become a real partner – a Zevulun – to over a hundred great and gifted, true and noble Talmidei Chachomim in כל התורה כולה – as they study the entire gamut of Torah learning in the 10 Kollelim of “Torah 24 תורה:
Talmud Bavli  *  Talmud Yerushalmi  *  Mishna  *  Chumash  *  Na”ch Zohar & Kabbalah  * Zeraim Taharos * Aggadah  *  Mishneh Torah of the Rambam *  Dalet Chelkei Shulchan Aruch

     In the words of the Nasi of  “Torah 24 תורהMaran Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”ג, Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l: 

     “Regarding “Torah 24 תורה… non-stop kollelim, in day-and-night shifts, in which they study all the subjects of Torah… it follows the derech of the Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh, the Ramchal and Hagaon Reb Chaim of Volozhin…

     “Fortunate will be those who will merit to be partners… where the voice of Torah will not be absent from within the walls of the kollelim, not even for a minute. All those who donate and support this project will merit all the brochos that are written in the Torah…”

Avrohom Eisen, the Pozna Rov
Founder of ‘Torah 24 תורה’ & ‘Shas Yiden’